About Michigan Technological University English Language Institute

Our ELI (English Language Institute) will help you excel in your academic and professional goals. When you successfully complete the IESL program, you will be proficient in listening/speaking, writing, reading, and conducting research. The program focuses on academic English, in particular the language tasks required of STEM and business majors. Our curriculum will also prepare you to engage in campus and community life.
Michigan Tech accepts undergraduate students conditionally and graduate students provisionally through our IESL program.
Michigan Technological University is a public research university, home to more than 7,000 students from 60 countries around the world. Founded in 1885, the University offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, technology, engineering, and math; forestry; business and economics; health professions; humanities; and social sciences. Our beautiful campus in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula overlooks the Keweenaw Waterway and is just a few miles from Lake Superior.

What Makes Michigan Tech The Best?

  • Forbes Ranks MTU 12th in the nation whose graduates earn the highest mid-career salaries
  • Money Magazine: MTU ranked No. 90 out of 706 Best Colleges for Your Money (and 46th among public universities)
  • Money Magazine: MTU ranked No. 2 on the list of 11 Public Colleges Where Grads Make Six Figure salary
  • Safewise: Houghton/MTU ranked No. 20 on the list of 50 Safest College Towns in America
  • Brookings Institution: ranked MTU No. 1 in Michigan, No. 4 in US in “value-added” factors such as the kinds of majors offered—particularly in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), graduation rates, student loan repayment rates, and the difference between predicted earnings and graduates’ actual earnings at mid-career and over a lifetime. (May 2015)
  • We are ranked among the top twenty universities in the US in the proportion of research that is sponsored by industry. Nearly 25 percent of our invention disclosures include the names of students as inventors.

Student Testimonials

“GOAL was really helpful in making me academically prepared for graduate school. Now, I can read articles more quickly and write proposals and literature reviews. In just six weeks, I am already better prepared and skilled in English than other international students who are already taking university classes.” -Yinqi, graduate student
“I chose the English Language Institute (ELI) at Michigan Tech to enhance my English and help myself transfer smoothly to American academic life. What attracted me to Michigan Tech are the safe environment and strong engineering background. In fact, Michigan Tech is often ranked as the safest campus in the U.S. Quite often, students are hesitant about taking English as a Second Language classes at American universities. But taking these classes helped me be more successful in my major classes and active in campus clubs.” ~Lifan Zhou, chemical engineering graduate
“I would strongly recommend to consider USA for their education and to enroll in English Language Institute to excel their language skills and for success in their technical studies.” ~Sandesh More, electrical engineering graduate
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