George Mason University's INTO University Partner's pathway program offers both undergraduate and graduate pathway programs for international students who need additional English language and academic preparation before continuing on to a degree program at GMU, as well as an Academic English program for international student who require stronger English language skills before beginning a pathway program.
George Mason University is located in Fairfax, Virginia, just 45 minutes from the capital of the US: Washington, DC. This proximity provides students at GMU with unique career-building opportunities during their studies. Students also have access to cultural events and world-famous museums throughout the capital.
GMU instructors have years of teaching experience, and many of them have been international students themselves, which means they know how to make your study abroad experience meaningful. As a student in the pathway program at GMU, you’ll gain confidence in your writing, research, and presentation skills; you’ll learn different academic strategies for managing your time, taking effective notes, and developing critical thinking skills you can apply to your career.
At George Mason University you'll live among a supportive, multicultural community ready to welcome you. When you're on George Mason's campus in Fairfax, Virginia, only 45 minutes away from Washington, DC. Being so close to the US capital gives you exclusive career-building opportunities during your studies. You also have easy access to more cultural events and world-famous museums than you have time to see in a lifetime. It's no wonder The Huffington Post ranks Washington, DC as "The Most Popular City for Young Adults."
Mason's 200+ degree programs offers you choices across disciplines. We'll help you choose the best program to meet your goals. Whatever you decide you want in life, we'll make sure you have the best start to get there.

Undergrad & Graduate Pathway Programs

Study at INTO's Pathway Program at George Mason University

Do you want to study for an undergraduate or graduate degree in the United States but need to improve English language skills or test scores? A Pathway program will provide you with academic, language and cultural support in order to succeed at a US university.
Students are guaranteed progression to an undergraduate or graduate degree program through a curriculum consisting of credit-earning courses. George Mason University provides full integration with domestic and international students on campus from highly trained university instructors and tutors while giving you academic support throughout the program.
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