The match against Deportivo de la Coruña left a victim at Barça. Denis Suárez started as a substitute and Paco Alcácer's early injury seemed like he was going to give him minutes, but in the end it was neither the first nor the last substitution. The Galician striker returned to watch the game from the bench and his patience is already running out. Denis Suárez has already told Messi his intentions.
The Argentine star warned Ernesto Valverde before the match, however, the Basque coach has his particular management of the minutes and decided not to give a minute to a Denis Suarez who will ask for his transfer if he has no minutes against Real Madrid next day.
Galician has several offers from Italian football to play in top teams like Inter Milan or Napoli and will not miss the opportunity if Valverde shows him to Real Madrid that does not have him for important games. Leo Messi has asked for patience, although the Galician striker knows he has few options left before he returns to the Ousmane Dembelé.
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